It hasn't happened yet, but as Sandee and I talk of vision for Bamberg we realize that there is a big opertunity to see that vision jump started. February 5th we'll have the assistant to the president of Young Life, Bill Paige, come and speak at our school. Our principle has generously allowed it to happen during school hours during a seminar period. Bill will speak about Character building and then invite kids to come to club that evening to hear more.

This all sounds fine, but why is it such a big deal? Bill Paige (pictured right) is one of the few speakers I have seen that can easily keep kids from different cultural backgrounds engaged. There is a large portion of our school that identifies with urban culture and have not been coming to club. Also, I've been wanting to get our chapel's Free Gospel congregation (mostly black men and women) involved in leading kids. Marry all these ideas with a really exciting club theme (Glow in the Dark) and I think we could be looking at an explosion in exposure with new students.
Of coarse this does not necissarily seal our success. Even if we do get these students to club, what's to say they might actually come back or even hear the gospel from us? If this event is to be successful, we need to marrinate this event in prayer. Please pray that new students are excited by this event. Pray that God touches their hearts and that what comes of this is not my vision or the Chapels vision, but God's. Pray that we represent Christ in a real way to our student body at Bamberg American High School.
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